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(1 edit)

你好!!我也是 Caribdis 的忠实追随者!我很高兴认识你。我喜欢你的“甜点”很好吃!!!!!!!!!!!

(1 edit)

The contents to short for me i duno the othe will wait for more ohh and add milf plz lols


congratulations! and thanks on another cool update ٩>ᴗ<)و  and it was damm fast too  Σ(゚口゚;)//
and could you please update the preview images to attract new fams

Thanks for the kind words!!! 💜

This game have animation movement

Yes, it does :)

Is this story focus only


You won't add any NTR in the future right? Coz i wanna give this a try but I hate NTR🙂


No NTR, and I'm not planning to add it in the future :)

(1 edit)



No u

Is there a Chinese translation available?

Not to my knowledge. Sorry!


I have played through this VN (0.4) several times, and made different choices every time, but I still don't know anything about what this game's story is, beyond traveling in time to meet people, mostly women, who obviously knows everything about you and everything that's happening, yet NEVER gives a straight answer, just make fun of MC, gaslight and deflect. And MC never calls them on it.

Your supposed archenemy doesn't feel scary or powerful at all, he is just the designated BBEG.

The quizzes and QTEs are intrusive and destroys what little immersion the game manages to impart.

The characters doesn't make you feel like you want to be with them, do things for them, or even talk to them, because they either make fun of you, or sexually assault you, unless they're gaslighting you or ordering you around. And if you choose the 'right' answer, you may start a relationship where you're gaslit, sexually assaulted and ordered around to do things for one of the NPCs. But nothing ever happens FOR the MC, he is just zapped around in time, told to do whatever, and none of the choices have any real impact on the story. You still meet everyone, you still have to go through every quiz, you still have to do every QTE. And you don't get any more information about WHY you're traveling in time. Sure, you're told an excuse, but it doesn't give you any information whatsoever.

There's barely any sex-scenes at all, and those that are in the game feels like they're there simply because this is meant to be an AVN. It doesn't feel like you have done something for it, or that the character you're with, have any reason to have sex with you. And they're boring and short.

As I said, I have played several times, chosen wrong, chosen right, chosen a bit of everything, and it doesn't matter how many times I read Nas' story about The  Marked War, I still don't understand what any of this has anything to do with time travel and magic, MC or the other characters because there is no hint of an answer to that in this game, or any hint that it will ever be revealed. It feels like you're being led on a wild goose chase, and at the end (if it ever comes, which seems unlikely with the way the ....... non-story of this VN is going) we will still know nothing more than when we had read the description.

Some may argue that MC's flashbacks explain why magic and time travel exists, but they don't. They just show you another time you were gaslit by someone, or had a completely inconsequential conversation that has nothing to do with anything as far as I can tell. I guess they're supposed to make us more comfortable with the character in the flashback, but if that's the case, they do the exact opposite in my opinion.

I was really disappointed with this game. The description and comments on this seemed promising, but the execution is horrible. When playing/watching time travel fantasies, it should feel like an eerie incident to stand behind yourself in the past. This game makes it feel like you're going to work on a Monday morning when doing that.

Yes, the game isn't finished, but at 0.4, which is supposedly 40% of the game, I should have been able to have an inkling of MC's motive, if it's simply to restore time, for his own power and gratification, to save loved ones, because you're part of something greater, because of destiny, etc. And supposedly the story is about you being a Marked one, but after Nas' story in the very beginning, there is nothing more about this topic at all. There's no information about what Marked ones are, there's no information about how magic is learnt by those who aren't part of the magical bloodline, there's no information about what your next quest is, there is no information about who MC is.

You don't have a choice in how to do anything, the NPCs always make all choices for you, you only get to choose whether to be the chopping block and footstool of everyone, or just be the footstool of everyone

the reason why this game is inconsistent is because it doesn't take it self series which makes sense since the creator said he took inspiration from Once in a lifetime. If your looking for another game to dig your teeth into just click on my profile or tell me here, Ill give you some suggestions.

Hey, since this visual novel here was inspired from the visual novel there, I am curious how you compare them? Did you already play Once In A Lifetime or not yet? Please write a comment on its page then come back here to compare them since this one here was inspired from that other there. 😉

I think there's a typo in the walkthrough.

When it comes to the section when you're bowling with Anna it says that any answer is fine for her millionaire question. Meanwhile actually only one of the answers gives the player any points with her. Shouldn't that be the option in the walkthrough since it gives points and the others don't?


It's a secret point 🤫

Привет хорошая игра  можете  в игру мод сделать и ещё вернуть обратно цифры когда его в будущем останавливает девушка из полиции  и спрашивает его номер в предыдущей части там отображались разные варианты номеров но в новом версии их нет тогда я сам мог выбрать его номер

Can I delete older versions of the game without losing my saves?


On Windows, Linux or Mac saves are kept automatically. You can just download it and start playing again. 

However, on Android you'll need to overwrite the APK by installing it again without deleting the old one. 

Hope that helps!

I cant remember if it was always like this since its been awhile since i touched the game but i just opened the game up with the intent of playin the new update and notised the text box isnt fully in screen on at least on android

Everything is back to normal in the latest fix!

I seem to be missing the leftmost section of screen when i updated, even when deleted with a fresh install


Amazing update as aways Horn. Left more questions than answers. Hyped for the 0.5.


Thanks for the kind words as always sniper, it means a lot! 💙


Didn't get a great review, but I'll give it a look see before I decide to buy....


Hope you like it!


Looks fun. Might try playing. KEK


hi can i ask about info for next update ? 


Hey blatsas, you can find the progress bar on my patreon page and discord server. Hope that helps!

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

Man, i played "Once in a life time" a while ago and the game just got my heart, knowing that this game is inspired on that make me feel to happy to play it, i even smiled when i saw stabby mike lol


All my homies love Once in a Lifetime


Too good not to be loved, we are men(and woman) of culture 


I picked the wrong bathroom stall and Addison is locked.  Is there a way to unlock her again or if you blow it with a girl is that path forever locked. I should have saved before choosing 


It is locked forever, yeah. However, you can find autosaves at the A tab on the load menu. Hope that helps!


normally I save often but I was to into the story. Can't wait to get further in the game.


i loved the story, i loved the plot, i loved the girls and i loved the animations....
in short i loved everything :D
is there by any chance will have a ....... Legal Loli character? (i'm not saying an underage Loli BUT a Legal aged Loli) and will have an interaction with her?

Hey Rik! Not really. All main girls are introduced already

Hello, is there anal content in the game? Thanks


Not yet!

Can't wait to see ^^


bro i can see how much eternum and OIALT inspired you by the references and the quality of content. this game makes it up there with those two games. keep up the good work. Oh and Long Live President Stabb


Oh wow, thanks for the kind words Jay! I can only hope to be up there with Eternum and Once in a Lifetime one day.


Polish it out and keep goin! i think your already almost there. i reached the end of the current version and was caught off guard cause i didnt realize how long id been playing.


Looking forward to this and Eternums next update.

How do I install part 1 or is that whole separate game?


Both chapters are included in the download. Have fun!


I just finished the game loved it. Eternum is my favorite game and you are definitely going to be right by it in my favorites. Can't wait for the next update.


Will there be turn based battle?

And the mc upgrading his stats and powers?

Otherwise it'll feel more like a novel than a game


Hey Nameless, there may be small turn-based events in the future, but not a full-fledged combat system. It is indeed more of a Visual Novel than a game.

Exceptional game i like it thank you for making an amazing game like this ! Ps:May you please make a link for the dowloading of the walkthrough like for the game ? Thank you even if you can't  

Thanks for the kind words Cloud! I'm glad you like my game. You can find the link of the WT in the download section!

ok thanks


I want you to know that you have as much talent as Caribdis if it's not more the link worked by the way so again thank you !

(2 edits) (+2)

Hey! I really like the story concept. I feel like this game can be one of the "big ones", but the pace is really fast. In my humble opinion, I would say that the story would profit a lot from some downtime scenes that build on the characters and make the player care for them more.

I'm looking forward to the new update.

Hey Enro! Thanks for playing my game, I'm glad you're enjoying it! Marked for Eternity was always meant to be fast paced. That being said, the characters will be fleshed out more in the next updates.


Nice to hear! I really liked Addison's and Diane's designs since their first scenes so I'm looking forward to it.

Deleted post

Just a nice Once in a Lifetime cameo. Glad you like my game!


I am a big Caribdis fan myself, and have thought about doing AVNs myself, just not sure what software I would need to do it.  I truly think I could do something  worthwhile, but just not sure how to get started really.  If you have any advice or suggestions please let me know Horn nii!  I am at the beginning of your game Horn nii, first time in classroom part, and it does seem promising.  Definitely has some Caribdis vibes but also unique as well.  I look forward to seeing how the story unfolds.    l)J

Hey Tom
Glad your enjoying my game so far! The only advice I could give you, is to not rush it and take some time to learn before you actually start developing the game. Good luck!


Damn, I played this game in its very first release, found it to be pretty promising and then completely forgot about it.

Well, now after remembering it again... if you managing to make me laugh in just the intro is a sign of anything, I think I have a gem on me right now...!


Don't worry if you forget about it... Marked is for Eternity.

Pun's aside, glad you think so highly of my game! 💙


All hail president Stabb!!!


Damn man What an amazing update now i cant wait for the next one keep up the great work. Also Fucking stabby Pres Best thing ive ever seen.

Thanks Luci, hope u have a nice day! 💙

no updated walkthrough?XD

The walkthrough is up to date!

When will chapter 2 be out?


Public release is on September 17th. You can play earlier by subscribing to my Patreon of course :)


I've tried the game yesterday and loved it. Cute girls, a nice touch of mystery, nice plot. Keep doing this good job.


Thanks sniper! You're awesome ❤️


Tags - Incest


There's no incest here tho, they aren't related

any femdom in this game and character name, please?

Not right now, there might be some in the future

Is that disclaimer still valid?

The disclaimer is still valid. The public release is July 1st :)


I should've written this a while ago but, I do genuinely like this avn. the plot is actually interesting and it holds your attention and the animation is pretty decent in comparison to some other avns. On top of that the dev is a super nice, down to earth guy who is really nice to talk to... cant wait for the part 1 remake! 


Thank you so much buddy, it really means a lot! ❤️

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